Tuesday, November 30, 2010

New, And A Litlle Sappy

Well my heart is with a girl that has the same feelings about me as i do to her. She is just as crazy for me as i am for her. I found out the total truth about it so I'm happy. Their is a but in it all though, even though their is something strong between us she isn't ready to date yet. So a compirmize until then has been made. To strengthen our 'Feelings' by keeping a friendship. I still have an amazing amount of feeling for this amazing girl in my life i still think it is awesome that i know her and cherish her with my love.

I have a question for who ever reads this.... Is it right that i don't look at other girls in the same way i do for her? And is it right that i don't want to date anyone besides her?... please do share


  1. Most girls would find that concept very romantic. Try not to change your mind.

  2. I won't i love her too much to look at another girl
