Monday, June 6, 2011

I made my decision :)

I'm staying here.... from here i will flourisher like a flower... even though i'm still trying to keep my head straight.. i'm always doing things different... but i know that this is best for me... :)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

I miss... everything...

I'm dramatic, i'm happy... i'm sad... i'm mad... i don't know what to feel... I don't ... i lost the one i truely cared for, i opened up for someone else i like... and now i don't know what or how to feel. whether i truly like them... I just don't know ... : /

Monday, May 16, 2011

Hurting and confused.

what who where? I don't know what the heck to think... seriously... can't flirt anymore, and i constently look around for different things, and i end up looking right back to you. Confuzzled on what the heck to do in my life right now, whether to like people, or "her". To go see her, and develop a stronger feeling for her? whether i should go back to where hell was brought on me. or stay where i seem safe for now.. I just don't know...

Saturday, May 14, 2011

BWAAAAAH -randomness-

lets see, .... hmm... i email an old friend waaaaaaay back when and he still  hasn't actually seen it... kinda sad but w/e. This week has had up and downs... but overly i'm happy most of the time. Not too much to talk about only about how my PAT's are coming up quick...

Sunday, May 8, 2011

A new outlook

I have a voice that people seem to lissen to... not all the time. But after the play lots of people liked it... Maybe i could use that for good? I just know my moms getting through her trama... and my feelings just get more fine focused each day. : )


Saturday, May 7, 2011

i miss... people...

Not only has my mom went into depression... but now i haven't actually seen the girl i want to ... i sung my heart out at the play... and my most hated holiday is coming up

Friday, April 29, 2011

Something that i haven't seen...

You are... special to me. And things are just great... i really like you... baby? ... i like your real name though... :)
You make me smile ... and you lissen to me... *sigh* i would really like to date you