Tuesday, November 30, 2010

New, And A Litlle Sappy

Well my heart is with a girl that has the same feelings about me as i do to her. She is just as crazy for me as i am for her. I found out the total truth about it so I'm happy. Their is a but in it all though, even though their is something strong between us she isn't ready to date yet. So a compirmize until then has been made. To strengthen our 'Feelings' by keeping a friendship. I still have an amazing amount of feeling for this amazing girl in my life i still think it is awesome that i know her and cherish her with my love.

I have a question for who ever reads this.... Is it right that i don't look at other girls in the same way i do for her? And is it right that i don't want to date anyone besides her?... please do share

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Love? is not perfect right? why does it feel so right then? The heart warming goodness, the feelings that grow stronger for the person everyday you spend time with them... But its not perfect, because you can still get hurt...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Heart broken and lost in space of memories

My heart and head are throbbing.... i feel like shit on top of all this and i wouldn't mind just ending my life ... but I'm not stupid i need to get a grip ... shes not the only one for me .... even though it hurts right now i know i will get though it... But i wouldn't mind knowing why she hates me right now... that would be a start for now, and why her friend likes fucking with everything

thanks for lissening to my boring life

Monday, November 1, 2010


I always thought weddings were fun i really did i swear .... but the one i went to wasn't exiting i know that for a fact. sorry totally random